Leona's barn yard
Tulips at Ames, Iowa
Last night we were treated with Thunder and lightening while sleeping at Leona's home. Sometimes the thunder was so loud that it shook the house ( it felt like it). But the moring was sunny and beautiful. We headed out after breakfast and a gorgeous view of the river and the valley.
Soon, we realised that we were the "storm chasers" and got into a very nasty storm. We decided ot take the small road by the Missisipi and it was very beautiful. We went all the way to Clinton on this tiny one lane road. The towns on thw way were very pretty ( specially Bellevue) and road very nice. Forests full of new shinny leaves and water everywhere ( unfortunately from the sky too). We managed to drive 400 miles and made it ot Springfield , Ill . Now we are finding out that in fact there is a tonnado warning in the area and we were just lucky enough to get here with no issue at all.
In fact we walked out for dinner and on the way back were greeted by the lighting and thunder. I really enjoyed the whole thing, till we saw on the TV about the warning etc....now we are scared :) ...just kidding , we are safe in the nice hotel in down town.
I will report on the Springfield tomorrow. Till then good night.
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